You have issued direction to the appropriate hiring/decision makers that the company will align itself with the 'local' University / College to attract and hire the 'best'! And...
Your HR department (whether internal or managed) and hiring decision makers spend countless hours nurturing contacts, developing a network, schmoozing, attending un-events, building pipelines of potential 'best' graduates for the coming year[s] from the aligned / affiliated establishment. And...

You pick up a snippet of news that the latest recognized and acknowledged World University Rankings have just been released - beads of perspiration appear on your furrowed brow - where are the chosen establishments? Relief at seeing the aligned/affiliated establishment name appear in the list of the Top 200....not bad, pat yourself on the back, send out a link to the rankings to all within the company to promote the strategy. But wait...
If your strategy is to attract the 'best'! Is the direction and execution really delivering 'the best'? Just a question...
As in all things 'business' - everyone involved needs to evaluate the chosen direction and assess the value of the chosen execution with honesty and integrity mindful of the real value/worth to the business...the best will prosper, the strong survive, the diverse grow and become recognised as 'the best'.