Friday, April 25, 2008

Talent Aquisition / Recruitment

This being the first entry in my new blog, don't expect anything startling or uplifting or amazing revelations, I'll leave that for later on and as I progress.

I am a professional recruitment specialist, from a technical background who has found my niche in life, that of Personnel Management. The career niche of personnel management focuses on 3 main areas, Industrial Relations, Recruitment & Retention and Training & Development. Since moving to Canada in 1997, I realised my passion was for developing people and helping individuals find the right opportunity for them and their circumstances, and businesses to find the right people engaged in the right positions for the right reasons...hence...'A Recruiter'

Do not view the generic title 'Recruiter' as one of those people who is only interested in making money from you...I call those types of people 'resume recruiters'...with a little 'r' and apply the ethos of 'place and forget'. Today, there are many people who assert that they are a 'Recruiter' when all they really do is get your resume and sell to who ever will buy it, there is little or no thought (and in some cases - no caring) for the person in the resume.

Whether you are an individual looking to make a career move (or the first step in a career) or you are a business seeking professional help in finding 'the right person' for your business, please select the 'Recruiter' with care and due diligence...would you let just anyone into your house and sit at your dining table with you and your family?...the same applies to a 'Recruiter' and you.

What is the aim of this blog, well to be honest, I just want to create a portal to promote myself, my passion and for anyone to view and comment on the thoughts displayed. Please feel free to add your comments, the only thing I ask is that you keep it civil and do not use any language that would offend or abuse anyone. If you come across an article that you think might be of interest then please include a link in your comments and be sure that I will review it and post a blog reply on my findings, views or opinions...

Cheers for now,

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