The other day, whilst diligently going about my normal work related activities, I was pointed towards a video on YouTube and recommended to watch it. Never one to avoid embracing the plethora of social/multi - media tools, and I am a sucker for a good movie, I dutifully clicked on the link and ...
What is this? Are they serious? Which forward and modern thinking person came up with, and created this?....Awesome!!!
Please, oh Please tell me this is real, not a joke! Have some senior people in the HR world finally realised the need to embrace and engage the present and the future and REALITY. Taking a humorous approach to promoting the profession will and can only change the status and view of HR professionals in the eyes of everyone else, they will be viewed as real people, just like the rest.
Now, I can hear the screams of derision, and see the written 'horror' expressions flooding the local HRPA Chapers, such sentiments as: "I want my membership money back!" or "How can the HRPA sanction this?" or "I am embarrassed – it wasn’t even funny. Clearly they need better writers." and one final item "At times [such as this] I question what value the CHRP really has on my professional career, the true value of membership of the association, and this [video] seems to have given me my answer".
This video so reminds me of the Professional Accountants when they produced a couple of videos that included humour...what ever happened to the peanut and where did it ended UP?
Before anyone starts pulling their hair out, or pulling their membership of the association...STOP and ask yourself a question and be honest and a true 'professional'...Why use humor to advertise the association? What message[s] are the producers of this video trying to convey? Who is the target audience/market?
Not being privy to the inner sanctums of the HRPA or the creators of this video, can I give you my answers to each question: Why - to show an ability for the profession to think outside of the 'norm' and show the membership and leadership can and do embrace change. What - to raise awareness of the association and promote the profession of HR as human, not aloof, stuffy and full of own self importance. Who - to attract the present and next generations into the profession and prepare them to influence.
Members of the HRPA who are on LinkedIN, and after reviewing the video, I encourage you to make your voice heard checkout this discussion.
Members of the rest of the world who are neither HRPA members or on LinkedIN, please add your comments to this blog and I will communicate them to HRPA leadership...with humor and a big smile...
Thank you all, and note I am not having a dig at anyone, just encouraging the promotion of this video and to stimulate discussion...oh yeah! and to have a laugh