It is a simple answer - YOU - not a career councillor, recruiter, next door neighbour, Microsoft or any other entity who provides input, guidance or advise. It is YOU!!! Remember, the resume/CV is one of YOUR marketing tools, and is used to position you against other 'products' competing for selection by the customer.
Yesterday I was reminded by a recent university graduate of the level of influence seasoned people have on job seekers, when it comes to helping prepare their resume/CV. As any professional, we must be very careful when providing advise and guidance to not loose sight that the resume/CV we are helping the individual prepare is not our property, but theirs. Also, recruiters must not take liberty with resumes/CV submitted and them 'modify' the contents to better present to the client...Ermmm! wonder how many recruiters still do this, I suspect quite a few.
If you are the owner of the resume/CV, make sure that those representing you don't put words into your proverbial mouth. Yes! all those who are openly or secretly seeking other job opportunities should seek input/guidance/advise from professionals to ensure that their market face is the best possible. One caveat, always challenge the person/organisation who is providing assistance by asking a couple of simple questions:
- When did you last successfully write and present your own resume/CV?
- What final outcome do you expect? once you have finished assisting in my resume/CV preparation!
There are others you can ask, and if you think of them ask away! these show that you are completing your due diligence when it comes to your preparation and determination to WIN with YOUR resume/CV.
Finally, your resume/CV has achieved its marketing purpose - once you get an interview...from then on it is up to you. Your resume is then a written document that can be used to 'hang you' if the contents are found to be untruthful.