Monday, January 16, 2012

Read before your submit that resume/cv....

Today is Blue Monday - it is apparently the most depressing day of the year.  This is because people realize that; they have just received larger than expected Post Christmas Bills, the New Years Resolution has gone the way of others and traditionally this day is the darkest day weather wise [cold, damp snowy, blaa, etc...].

I can now add another reason why it is Blue Monday for the Job Seeker / Career Changer / Recruiter / Hiring Manager:


We all know how valuable time is during our working day, and Job Seekers / Career Changers [in general] appear to practicing and perfecting the art of 'Time Wasting' to an increased level these days...HOW?

By submitting Applications/Resumes/CV's for position titles that they like or feel they can do, without actually reading and learning about the role, duties, minimum requirements and what the company does!

Just because you 'like' the job title or had something similar in the past does not mean you can or must apply for  this one - STOP before you press submit, send or apply now.  To prevent 'Blue Monday' [or any other day of the week] read through all the information provided, including checking out the companies website/business profile. then answer the following questions honestly:
  1. Do I meet the minimum criteria [education/experience/background]?
  2. Do I have the skills [actual or transferable] required?
  3. Do I offer them [the company] added value?
  4. Does my Resume/CV reflect all of the above?
If you can answer 'YES' to ALL of the above, then OK maybe you are not wasting time, but if you answer 'NO or MAYBE' to any of them - STOP do not submit, send or apply.

'stop wasting time' image courtesy of Tyler Shields

My record this year [2012] that is only 16 days old, is 8 submissions from the same person for 8 completely different positions, all because some had 'Developer' in the job title - including one that was for a Sales role [Business Developer].  Feeling generous, I phoned the individual and asked the 4 questions above and got 4 'No's' and I asked one other question - Why did you apply for the positions? Answer - I am looking for a job and think I could do them with training, education, and given a chance; result = FAIL.  I suspect my advice has fallen on deaf ears with this one due to the individuals parting comment - "I am applying for anything and everything - something might work"

Oh Blue Monday indeed!  Now dare I check my email to see....