During a recent training 'clinic' with a professional association student group, I was asked to explain the different formats resumes can prepared in. I mentioned ASCII or Plain Text and got a rather blank and vacant look from some in the audience...
The 3 standard formats that each resume should be saved in, are as follows:
Word (doc/docx) - This format is one of the most recognised and companies will often ask for your resume/cover letter to be submitted in.
Portable Document Format (PDF) - more and more people are using this format as it is perceived that it can't be edited by the end user/recipient.
ASCII/Plain Text - is rarely used by people, but one that most resume parsing/applicant tracking system/HRIS really like, because it does not have all the hidden code Word (or similar application) documents generates.
Why, you might ask should you create a Plain Text version? It removes all the pretty formatting, borders, indents, paragraphing, etc...! Simple - for no other reason than 'You want the best chance to be selected by the computer program for viewing by a human!'
Some Resume/Application On Line Submission programs will provide you with text box in which to copy and paste your resume and cover letter, and also the additional ability to attach a word or pdf version. If you have already 'Save As...' your resume in Plain Text then you can make sure it is laid out nicely with word wrap set up special characters removed (Copy and Paste will save it exactly as you want it, not how the computer thinks you do).
Check out this link from Dummies.Com as an alternative to using your word-processing program, on creating a ASCII/Plain Text resume.
Photo Credit: Ask_Yahoo_Questions