Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Starting to build a new environ!

My first 2 weeks have been spent in company orientation and training, it was nice to see that being associated with a 'Quality' registered company really meant they take quality seriously...

Being able to provide a quality service to both types of customers has always been my benchmark and what my reputation has been built upon. Not only do we in the recruitment industry use the words, we must also 'walk the talk'...how many times has that not happened...

Until I could 'prove' that I was on speed and conversant with the systems and processes I was not allowed to present myself or represent the 'company'... Now it is up to me, even for someone who has all those years of experience, it is still a daunting challenge, filled with excitement, enthusiasim, ambition, drive and determination...

Watch this space for updates on how I am progressing, or if you wish to add comments or ask questions, please do so ... remebering 'good etiquiette and manners reap the greatest rewards'.

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